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EPP Box Click rate: Release time:2020-08-10 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

EPP is an environmentally friendly new anti-pressure buffer insulation material for high crystalline polymers. EPP products have excellent anti-seismic absorption performance, high rebound rate, and light gram heavy.

1. Insulation performance. Keep hot and cold food temperatures for several hours with a thermal conductivity of only 0.030W/M.k.

2. Ultra-lightweight. EPP is a high-performance foaming resin.

3. Structure strength. EPP can afford a large load while keeping its shape and style unchanged.

4. Excellent energy absorption. EPP able to withstand major impacts without damage.

5. Chemically inert. EPP Not affected by oils, oils and most chemicals.

6. Green. EPP is an environmentally friendly material that can be recycled for degradation.

7. Resistant to heat and cold. The properties of the material are unchanged from -40 to 130℃.

8. Clean. Cleansing can be used with detergent and disinfectant, and can be accessed in the dishwasher.


9. Common structure. The GN food utensils 6040 baking tray can be sealed with unikeybox for optimized food supply chain safety insulation solutions. 

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