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Colored steel plate Click rate: Release time:2020-08-03 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

The mechanism color steel plate is produced by the machine, all the width is the same, the finishing is very beautiful. The hand-colored plate plate is made by traditional hand-made methods, the size can be freely customized, adding a lot of relaxation.

Mechanism Board

Mechanism board is operated by the machine assembly line, the interface is the plug interface, the upper and lower ends will reveal the middle filler material, the width of each board is certain, the site needs to open the hole when all by manual in the field, after finishing the overall sealing and strength will be affected.

Mechanism color steel plate is more complete, beautiful, the efficiency is higher than the labor, and saves time and effort, high efficiency.

Handplate Board

Hand plate, by manual in turn, color steel plate specifications and size can be adjusted at will, to the site construction is like building blocks, now the drawing stylistic, according to specifications under the order of procurement, in the installation, encountered holes can be completed before the factory, and can be added in the middle of the plate will be strong keel, wire tube, etc. can be reserved in advance.

Manual color steel plate production, on-demand side engineering requirements for the production of ruler, combination installation, not only can greatly reduce the building's basic engineering and structural engineering costs, and can be repeatedly disassembled, construction and installation is convenient and fast, the comprehensive benefits are very significant.

Pros and Cons

1.The price of manual board is higher than the mechanism board, now more and more enterprises are using manual board, probably 50% of the enterprise selection mechanism board.

2.Hand plate stitched up more beautiful, more sealed, strength is also greater than the mechanism board.

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