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How to select product printing Click rate: Release time:2020-08-19 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Print real gold  

Printing real gold refers to gold ink and gold fan network printing, printing effect has a luster.  

Machine printing

Water-based ink, ink thick, uniform color filling, longer duration, higher cost, applicable to small-scale production.

Silk screen  

Water-based ink, ink thick, uniform color filling, longer duration, higher cost, applicable to small-scale production.

The print    

Water-based ink, ink in general, fill color is thinner, short duration, low cost, applicable to mass production.

The coating color stamp  

Fine printing, for large-area color image printing, long duration, high cost, applicable to mass production.  

Heat transfer

Printed images have a sense of hierarchy, for small area color image printing, long duration, high eras, applicable to mass production.


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