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Ice Box Click rate: Release time:2023-11-21 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Cold storage agent is a translucent (or opaque), viscous gel mixture composed of organic or (and) inorganic compounds, which can absorb and store a large amount of cold at low temperatures, and can release a large amount of cold at higher temperatures, and maintain its own and a small range of low temperature environment for a long time.

Energy storage materials can be divided into three types according to the energy storage method: sensible heat, latent heat and semi-latent heat. Sensible heat energy storage materials can not control the ambient temperature while storing energy, and the energy storage density is low, and the device volume is large, so the application value is not high. Semi-latent heat energy storage is the use of reversible reaction to absorb and release heat, energy storage density is large, but the technology is complex and not strong operability, currently only in the field of solar energy attention, far from the practical application. Latent heat energy storage is the use of materials in phase transition absorption or heat release to store energy or release, this material not only has a high energy density, simple device, small size, and the material is approximately constant temperature, can be used to control the temperature of the system. Therefore, latent heat energy storage of phase transition is widely used.


Polyvinyl alcohol-Borax efficient cold storage agent: fully expanded in water polyvinyl alcohol and borax cross-linking reaction to form a shape structure, and then absorb a lot of water expansion into translucent and easy to flow gel.

Phase change cold storage agent: composed of multiple components, including main energy storage agent, phase change regulator, anti-subcooling agent, anti-phase separation agent, inducer, etc. Phase change refrigerant technology is a new type of refrigeration technology, its principle is to use the material phase change process generated or absorbed heat to achieve the purpose of refrigeration or heating, because it does not require external energy to achieve, with high energy utilization efficiency, while the impact on the environment is also less.

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