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Braided tape Click rate: Release time:2023-11-20 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Woven tape, PP and PE materials have become the mainstream of market development. Although the two kinds of woven tape materials appear to be the same from the appearance, their materials are completely different, and they are different in the direction of use and the requirements of the preservation environment.

PP woven tape, this kind of woven tape material in the market has a very long history of development, the range of use is also more extensive, has been known and understood by our vast number of users, but the drawbacks of this material woven tape is also obvious, his preservation environment should have special requirements, can not be placed in the sun and wind blowing place, otherwise it is easy to weathering.

PE material woven tape, compared with PP material woven tape, his service life is longer, easier to preserve and store. At present, it is widely used in many fields.

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