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Aluminum Foil Fiberglass Click rate: Release time:2022-07-04 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Aluminum foil composite glass fiber cloth with unique advanced composite technology, composite aluminum foil surface smooth, high reflectivity, vertical and horizontal tensile strength, airtight, watertight sealing performance is good.


1. Used for making fire protection, labor protection heat insulation clothing and other refractory heat insulation clothing and protective articles.

2. The insulation material of the pipeline of cold and warm equipment and the sound insulation material, rock wool and the outer protective layer of superfine glass wool play the role of flame retardant, anticorrosion, heat insulation and sound absorption.

3. Anti-humidity, anti-fog, fire, anti-corrosion packaging materials for export equipment.

4. Oil pipeline, steam pipeline and other chemical equipment protection bandaging, play the role of flame retardant, anti-corrosion, heat insulation.

5. Make heat insulation cover, heat reflection cover, equipment protection cover, high temperature protective clothing, protective gloves, etc.

Items Thickness(mm) Application
QY-TR4S1-A 0.2 Pipe cover
QY-TR4S1-C 0.5 Shielding
QY-TR4S1-F 0.75 Insulated blanket

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