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Woven Fabric Click rate: Release time:2022-07-12 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Woven Fabric, which is polypropylene or polyethylene resin as raw material. Through extruded, stretched into flat silk, and then warp woven plastic cloth. The tensile strength of the product is tested according to GB/T 8947-1998. During the tensile strength test, the speed of the testing machine was set at 200mm/min and the distance between fixtures was 200mm.

Physical Properties QY-TR2A QY-TR2D
Square Gram,g/㎡ 65 80 90 105
Tensile Strength——MD
450 550 650 800
Tensile Strength——CD 400 500 590 730
Peel Strength,N/30mm  ≥
3 3 3

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