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Kraft Paper Click rate: Release time:2022-02-14 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

White kraft paper, that is, double-sided white kraft paper. Generally speaking, white kraft paper is divided into white and super white, super white sometimes called high white kraft paper. According to the performance of paper different detailed division comes down again flame retardant white kraft paper, high wet strong white kraft paper, waterproof white kraft paper and white kraft paper without ash.

White kraft paper can be used to make envelope bags, file bags; Make handbag, hand bag, shopping bag; Used to pack food.

Kraft paper can do food packaging, mainly detect whether to add fluorescent agent in the paper, fluorescence is a carcinogen, into the human body for a long time will cause cell variation carcinogenesis. Before adding the general paper is white kraft paper, its whiteness is not more than 85 degrees, generally 82, 83 degrees, can be used for food packaging.

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