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Metallized Film Click rate: Release time:2022-02-08 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

To detect the adhesion of metallized film, first confirm the aluminized surface. It is usually practical to lightly brush the front and back of the film with your finger. There are generally no obvious scratches on the film surface. The aluminum layer will produce significant scratches due to external friction.

The usual detection method for adhesion fastness of aluminum plated layer is tape detection method, that is, 15-20cm long and 0.5-1 inch wide 3M tape is attached to the aluminum plated layer of aluminum plated film and pressed flat, and then the tape is peeled off at a uniform speed, observe and estimate the peeled area of aluminum plated layer. The area less than 10% is grade I, less than 30% is grade II, and more than 30% is grade III.

The adhesive tape detection method is only a qualitative detection method, only suitable for general qualitative comparison, if the adhesion fastness of the aluminum plating layer exceeds the adhesive tape, there is no difference in the adhesion fastness of the aluminum plating layer. Now commonly used quantitative detection method is under a certain temperature, pressure and time, with EAA thin film (thickness of 20 to 50 um, AA content is in commonly 9%) and aluminum plating film of aluminum plating layer for heat sealing, hot sealing samples after cutting into 15 mm wide, in tension test machine to peel test, observe and record the size of the stripping force and the area of the aluminized layer, stripped.

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