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Non Woven Fabric Click rate: Release time:2020-08-24 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Water Sting Nonwovens

Process: fiber raw materials - open loose mix - combing mess into a net - pre-wet - positive and anti-water prick - finishing - drying - winding.

Weight: Under 80 grams, special has 120-250 grams, but very few.

Width: 10cm-320cm.

Features: Water sting cloth feel more delicate, the surface vertical has a small striped water sting road, with water absorption, softness, breathability, toughness, easy processing, easy washing, easy stitching, sanitary sterile.

Application: water sting non-woven raw materials are more expensive, cloth surface is more delicate, the production process is cleaner than needle prick.

Needle Nonwovens

Process: polyester, acrylic, cotton raw materials - loosening machine - air pressure cotton box - by combing and combing - meshing machine -—— needles - burning hair - chemical oil treatment - compression - collection.

Weight: More than 60 grams.

Width: 10cm-320cm.

Features: The fiber is coarser, the feel is rougher, the surface has small pinholes.

Application: Needle nonwoven production weight is generally higher than water prick nonwoven fabric weight.

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