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Aluminum Foil and MPET Click rate: Release time:2020-07-07 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

                                  Aluminum Foil and MPET

Aluminium film is plastic film, it is a thin layer of aluminum on top of the plastic film, the plastic substrate can be PET film, OPP film, CPP film, PVC film, and nylon film.

Aluminium foil is metal, which is a thin sheet that compresses the aluminum profile and is thin enough to be pressed. This kind of sheet can be packaged in a flexible package. Of course, aluminum foil is also not hot seal, it needs to be compounded with other materials, such as PE, CPP, or coating. The aluminum foil used in the flexible packaging is generally 7um thick, of course, it relates to pharmaceutical packaging, there are 15um, 18um, 20um, 22um, 40um. The barrier of aluminum coating is much less than aluminum foil, because the thickness of aluminum layer is not as thick as aluminum foil. Aluminum coating is a special process in the plastic film surface plated a thin layer of metal aluminum and formed a composite soft packaging material, which commonly used processing methodwhen a number of vacuum aluminum plating method, that is, in a high vacuum state through high temperature to melt the metal aluminum evaporation, so that aluminum vapor precipitation accumulated on the surface of the plastic film, so that the plastic film surface has a metallic luster. Because it has the characteristics of plastic film, but also has the characteristics of metal, is a cheap beautiful, excellent performance, practical packaging materials.

Several ways to quickly distinguish between aluminum foil and aluminum-plated film:

* Different shapes

Aluminum foil : From the color point of view, the packaging is silver white or silver gray, reflective aluminum film is good.

MPET: The packaging is silver yellow or silver black, high brightness.

* Feel different

Aluminum foil: Feel thick and strong, heavy.

MPET: Feel lighter and softer than aluminum foil packaging.

* Folding difficulty

Aluminum foil: The packaging folded will be prone to dead pleats dead marks.

MPET: Aluminum-plated packaging is not, will soon rebound.

* Fire-prone

Aluminum foil: Packaging with fire, not easy to burn, aluminum layer will roll back, after burning aluminum foil packaging will leave gray aluminum slag.

MPET: The film burns, there will be different plastic film combustion conditions, no residue of aluminum residue.

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