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Reasons for Rubber Aging Click rate: Release time:2020-07-01 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

                                                                    Reasons for Rubber Aging

When the rubber finished product is formed, it is extremely unstable when it is pressed by pressure to leave the mold. Particle ratio and molds need to be strictly controlled. Rubber in its application environment, with the passage of time, the product will harden or crack, the phenomenon of weakening product performance is called aging. Rubber aging consists of internal and external causes.

Internal factors: rubber molding method, addition of particle mastermaterial, material ratio, etc.

External factors: oxidation, moisture, light, etc. Oxygen molecules in the air react with rubber molecules, resulting in the rubber composition of the molecular chain of fracture or over-cross-linking, the performance changes. Oxidation is the most important factor in rubber aging.

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