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Construction Application of breathable film Click rate: Release time:2020-06-01 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

                                                   Construction Application of Breathable Film

The principle of breathable gas can be divided into microporous and hydrophilic groups two kinds, waterproof breathable membrane is the use of the former, because the small diameter of water droplets and the diameter of water vapor there is a huge difference, water vapor can be diffused by diffusion principle through microporous membrane, liquid water or water droplets because of its surface tension, so that water molecules can not pass, also prevent the infiltration of water, so that the breathable membrane has a waterproof function.

Improvement of waterproof breathable film to building

1.Waterproof gas film is laid outside the insulation layer, the whole building is covered, thereby reducing air leakage and convective heat loss, effectively strengthening the air tightness of the building.

2.Waterproof breathable film excellent water resistance, tight cladding, to protect the building from water vapor and rain erosion. Effectively ensure the insulation effect and durability of the building, so that the building more energy-saving, environmental protection.

3.Waterproof breathable film laid outside the insulation layer, can ensure the effective discharge of water vapor in the enclosure structure, reduce the risk of roof dew, solve the problem of dew moisture, protect the insulation layer.

4.Waterproof breathable film laid on the water strip, the needle eye at the highest point, rain along the line of the water and free discharge, waterproof more guaranteed.

5.Waterproof breathable film to protect the insulation layer, insulation layer above the need to do no more fine stone concrete or film waterproof material, can reduce the cost of engineering.

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