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Types and Characteristics of Coatings for Colored Steel Plates Click rate: Release time:2020-05-13 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

                                                                Types and Characteristics of Coatings for Colored Steel Plates


Description   Ordinary polyester color plate is the use of PE polyester coating coated on the metal plate, and then by high temperature baking made of metal paint color plate.

Features       PE paint for the material has good adhesion, color coating steel plate easy processing molding, cheap and many products, color and gloss choice. Polyester coating stoidability and powder resistance to coating film is not ideal, so the use of PE coating is still subject to a number of restrictions.

Life                Anti-corrosion period of up to 7-8 years.

Application   Generally used in areas where air pollution is not serious or products that require multiple moldings.


Description   Silicon modified polyester color plate is the use of SMP silicone modified resin adhesive paint coated on metal plate, and then by high temperature baking made of metal paint color plate.

Features       The coating has good hardness, wear resistance and heat resistance, as well as good external durability and non-powderability, but limited gloss retention and flexibility.

Life                The age of corrosion protection can be up to 10-12 years.

Application   SMP color coated steel plate is not suitable for many molding applications, most of the use of the roof and exterior walls of the building.


Description   High weather-resistant polyester color plate is also known as high weather-resistant color plate, is the use of HDP high weathering polyester coating coated on the metal plate, and then by high temperature baking made of metal baking plate.

Features      For PE and SMP's shortcomings, the UK HYDRO (now acquired by BASF), Sweden's BECKER, etc. in early 2000 to develop a PVDF coating can reach 60-80% weather-resistant HDP polyester coating, and better than ordinary silicon modified polyester coatings.

Life            Its corrosion-resistant life can be up to 10-15 years.

Application  suitable for such as high uv protection requirements of light steel structure buildings, flat-grade roofs.


Description     Fluorocarbon color plate is the use of PVDF Poly-fluoroethylene coating coated on metal plate, and then baked by high temperature made of metal paint color steel plate.

Features          Because of the PVDF chemical bonds and chemical bonds, there is a strong bond energy, so the coating has very good corrosion resistance and color retention, in the construction industry color coating plate coating, belongs to the most advanced products, and the molecular weight is large and straight-bond structure, so in addition to chemical resistance, mechanical properties, UV and heat resistance is also very special.

Life               Its corrosion-resistant life of more than 20 years.

Application   suitable for anti-UV, high weather resistance requirements of chemical plants, power plants, steel mills, high-speed rail stations.

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