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Butyl backing film Click rate: Release time:2023-08-23 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Wire harness butyl cement/film

Wire harness butyl cement is a kind of high quality butyl rubber, resin, polyisobutylene, filler, anti-aging agent and other materials, through kneading, extrusion, cutting, packaging processing. The products meet the personalized customization needs of customers in the automotive industry. The material is environmentally friendly and tasteless, no solvent, low VOC, no curing, easy to use. Waterproof seal for automotive wire harnesses.

Butyl damping plate

Butyl damping plate is made of butyl rubber, base material and release material, which has excellent damping properties. The products meet the personalized customization needs of customers in the automotive industry. The material is environmentally friendly and tasteless, no solvent, low VOC, no curing, easy to use. It is used for damping, sound insulation and noise reduction of car doors, body interiors, audio modifications and other parts.

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