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Aluminum foil foam Click rate: Release time:2023-08-31 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Aluminum foil XPE backglue is composed of multiple barrier layers, which has a good gas and water blocking effect. It is protected by the outer layer of PET, and the aluminum foil film blocks ultraviolet light, so that it has a high weather resistance. The aluminum foil film reflects light energy and blocks heat transfer, so that it has a strong thermal insulation and heat insulation effect. With good noise, damping anti-collision, reduce excitation. At the same time, it also has a good aesthetic and decorative role. It is mainly used in automobile sound insulation, central air conditioning heat insulation and sound insulation, construction industry heat insulation and sound insulation, tourism supplies and other industries.

The closed bubble structure of the product can effectively prevent heat conduction, and the thermal conductivity does not exceed 0.034W/m·k at 0°C. High surface heat transfer coefficient, up to 9W/m2k. It has good resistance to water vapor penetration, and the wet resistance μ≥5,000 constitutes the "built-in" water vapor prevention layer, so that the whole insulation board is both a thermal insulation layer and a moisture-proof layer.

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