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IBC Cover Click rate: Release time:2022-11-09 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Qiyao thermal IBC Totes Covers are products in quality nylon/ cordura & cotton foam, aluminum foil woven/ bubble insulation or waterproof PVC plastic, diverse covers are designed to insulate and maintain temerature inside an IBC intermediate bulk container, and provide optimal protection from solar radiation, deflecting the radiation and the heat, secure an IBC container against water in moist environments, resistant to chemicals so that the containers can be transported and be placed outdoor without damage and overheating from the sun-rays.

Model Container Container Size Cover Size
QY-IBC-1A 640L 1200*800*1000mm 1250*850*1050mm
QY-IBC-1D 800L
1200*800*1165mm 1250*850*1215mm
QY-IBC-2C 1000L 1200*1000*1140mm 1250*1050*1190mm
QY-IBC-2M 1250L 1200*1000*1350mm 1250*1050*1400mm

1.Perfect heat and radiation blocking.

2.Effective moisture and vapor barrier.

3.Chemical resistant.

4.Easy folds for minimal storage space.

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