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Ice Box Click rate: Release time:2022-09-13 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

The ice box is made of plastic PE material with refrigerant inside. It is made of high-tech biological materials. It is clean and non-toxic, with excellent cold retention performance and can be used repeatedly. Our refrigerant is blue, and other colors can be customized.

PE plastic shell plasticity is good, the deformation after freezing is small, its effective use of cold capacity is 3 to 5 times of ice, can replace ice as a heat exchange carrier to transfer heat, ice box needs to be fully frozen before use, the specific freezing time is related to the use of refrigerant temperature.

Refrigerant Fire Ice Hot Ice Warm Ice Refrigeration
Frozen A Frozen B Frozen C Frozen D Dry Ice
Temperature 40℃ 22℃ 6℃ 2-8℃ -12℃ -18℃ -22℃ -36℃ -55℃

Our company often uses 2-8℃, -12℃, -18℃, -22℃ and -36℃ ice boxes to achieve 24-120 hours of heat preservation environment. To provide customers with ultra-low temperature products medium and short distance transportation solutions and heat preservation and cold storage products.

Used for refrigerated transportation: refrigerated transportation of frozen biological products, drugs, plasma, vaccines, etc.

Used for food: frozen fresh food, beverage, beer, fruit, vegetables, etc.

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