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Aluminum Foil Bubble Insulation Click rate: Release time:2022-09-08 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Aluminum foil bubble coil is made of polyethylene blown into bubble film by equipment and aluminum foil film composite processing. Products with energy saving and environmental protection, heat insulation, waterproof and other functions.

Item Single Double Conductivity Reflectivity  Moisture Penatration Temperature
Date 2.8-4 5.6-8 0.032-0.040 95-98 0.012-0.013 -40 - 80
Units mm mm W/M.K % G/M2KPA

The conventional width of the product is 1, 1.2, 1.22 meters, the length is 40 meters. This specification is convenient for container loading volume optimization and reasonable length.

Product application: roof heat insulation, attic sun protection, internal and external wall heat insulation, large facility heat insulation, greenhouse heat insulation, car sunshade, bag cover heat insulation, pipe heat insulation.

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