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Aluminum Foil Fiberglass Tape Click rate: Release time:2022-06-20 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Aluminum foil fiberglass tape as aluminum foil fiberglass base material, coated with high performance special adhesive and excellent performance of anti-stick paper composite. The product has high peel strength, good initial viscosity, strong cohesion, good weather resistance and high and low temperature performance. Mainly used for air conditioning equipment and thermal insulation engineering packaging, sealing edge, building materials.

Product Parameters

Items Standard Tolarance range
Thickness 155μ ±10μ
Weight 150g/㎡ ±5%
180° Peel strength ≥0.55KN/m(GB/T2792)
Permanent adhesion
Fireproof GB/T8624
Temperature -20℃-70℃

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