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Aluminum Foil Click rate: Release time:2022-01-20 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

1.Air conditioner foil

Air conditioning foil is a special material for the manufacture of heat exchanger fins for air conditioners. In order to improve the surface properties of plain foil, anti-corrosion inorganic coating and hydrophilic organic coating are applied to form hydrophilic foil before forming. Hydrophilic foils account for 50% of the total amount of air conditioning foils, and the proportion of its use will be further improved. In addition, there is a hydrophobic foil, so that the fin surface has hydrophobic function, to prevent condensation water adhesion.

The thickness of air conditioning foil is 0.1mm ~ 0.15mm. In the state of extremely thin, aluminum foil to have good formability, its structure and performance must be uniform, less metallurgical defects, small anisotropy, while requiring high strength, good ductility, uniform thickness, flatness. Air conditioning foil specifications and alloys are relatively single, suitable for large-scale production.

2.Cigarette packaging foil

China is the largest cigarette production and consumption country in the world, with an annual output of 34 million boxes of cigarettes, which are basically packaged with cigarette foil, of which 30% are coated foil, 70% are calendered aluminum foil, and the calendered aluminum foil consumption is 35,000 tons. Cigarette packaging foils in China account for 70% of the total amount of double zero foils. At present, there are two or three enterprises in China that can produce high-quality cigarette foils, and the technical level is equal to the international level, but there is a certain gap between the overall quality of domestic cigarette foils and the international level.

3.Decorative foil

Decorative foil is a decorative material applied in the form of aluminum-plastic composite, which makes use of the characteristics of good coloration and high photothermal reflectance of aluminum foil. Mainly used for building, furniture decoration and part of the gift box packaging. The application of decorative foil in China's construction industry began in the 1990s, from Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other central cities to the rapid spread to all parts of the country, in recent years, the demand has increased sharply, generally used as building inner wall and interior furniture decoration materials, in commercial institutions in the facade and interior decoration is also widely used.

Decorative foil has the advantages of heat insulation, moistureproof, sound insulation, fire prevention and easy to clean, and luxurious appearance, convenient processing, construction and installation speed. China's construction and home decoration industry has formed a boom in the application of decorative foil.

4.Cable foil

Cable foil is the use of aluminum foil airtight and shielding, single-sided or double-sided plastic film, composed of aluminum composite foil, used as a cable cover. Cable foil requires less oil on the surface, no holes, high mechanical properties, low overall quality requirements, but very strict length requirements.

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