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Aluminium foil Click rate: Release time:2022-01-13 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Aluminum foil is a kind of very thin aluminum coil, strip or sheet obtained by rolling aluminum and aluminum alloy strip. In China, the thickness of aluminum and aluminum alloy strip less than 0.2 mm is called aluminum foil.

Aluminum foil is divided into roll aluminum foil and sheet aluminum foil. Most of aluminum foil products are supplied in roll form, and only a few handicraft packaging users use sheet aluminum foil.

According to the thickness of aluminum foil can be divided into thick foil, single zero foil, double zero foil three. Thick foils are foils with a thickness of 0.1-0.2mm, single-zero foils are foils with a thickness of 0.01mm and less than 0.1mm, and double-zero foils are foils with two zeros after the decimal point when the thickness is measured in mm.

According to the state, aluminum foil mainly includes all hard foil, soft foil, semi-hard foil, one quarter hard foil and three quarters hard foil. The surface state can be divided into single-sided foil and double-sided foil.

Aluminum foil is divided into packaging foil, daily use foil, electrical equipment foil and construction foil according to their uses.

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