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Aerogel blanket Click rate: Release time:2021-11-23 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Aerogel, the use of proprietary technology, nano porous aerogel and inorganic fiber material composite into a soft, hydrophobic, high temperature stability, fire retardant flame retardant, do not drop powder insulation felt.


1. Long-term use temperature up to 650℃, thermal insulation effect for traditional materials 3~5 times, high efficiency and energy saving.

2. The unique nano THREE-DIMENSIONAL network structure provides excellent high temperature stability, avoiding the deformation and accumulation of traditional materials due to vibration and the rapid decline of thermal insulation performance.

3. Only 1/3 to 1/5 thickness can achieve the same thermal insulation effect of traditional materials, reduce heat loss and improve space utilization.

4. With good flexibility and tensile strength, compressive strength, can resist brutal construction, long-term use of no settlement, no deformation.

5. With excellent overall waterproof performance, hate water rate ≥99%, isolated liquid water, while allowing water vapor through.

6. The thermal insulation of the equipment can play a sound absorption, noise reduction, vibration buffer and other functions, improve the environmental quality, protect the equipment.

7. Contains no harmful substances to human body, soluble chloride ion content is minimal.

8. Smaller insulation volume and total weight can significantly reduce transportation and storage costs.

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