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Aluninum Foil Click rate: Release time:2021-11-01 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Aluminum foil surface is very clean, sanitary. Any bacteria or microorganisms can not grow on its surface.

Aluminum foil is a non-toxic packaging material, it can be in direct contact with food without any risk to human health.

Aluminum foil is a kind of tasteless and odourless packaging material, which will not make the packaged food have any peculiar smell.

Aluminum foil is not inherently volatile and the food in the bag will never dry out or shrink.

No matter at high temperature or low temperature, aluminum foil will not have grease infiltration phenomenon.

Aluminum foil is an opaque packaging material, which can prevent the products in the bag from being exposed to light, especially for margarine is a good packaging material.

Aluminum foil has good plasticity, can be used for packaging products of various shapes, can also be arbitrarily made into various shapes of containers.

Aluminum foil hardness, tensile strength is also large, but its tearing strength is small, easy to tear.

Aluminum foil can not be heat bonding, must be coated heated material on its surface, such as PE.

Aluminum foil may have adverse reactions when it comes into contact with other heavy metals.

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