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Flame retardant masterbatch Click rate: Release time:2021-08-11 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Flame retardant master batch is also called flame retardant master batch, fire retardant master batch. For plastic, rubber products to achieve fire protection requirements and research finished products.

Flame retardant masterbatch, also known as flame retardant masterbatch, is one of the best flame retardant products in plastics and rubber resins. Based on the flame retardant agent, it is a granular product extruded by twin screw or three screw through the organic combination, modification treatment and synergic effect of a variety of flame retardant components. Different from flame retardant agent, flame retardant masterbatch has many advantages such as easy to add in resin, cleaning, high flame retardant efficiency, small amount of addition, little influence on mechanical properties of resin, not easy to stratify after adding, saving manpower, material cost and time. Generally speaking, the dispersibility, fluidity, compatibility, thermal stability and weather resistance of flame retardant masterbatch in resin are much better than ordinary flame retardant, and the flame retardant masterbatch with proper formula is far better than the flame retardant efficiency and efficiency.

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