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Azabu Heat Insulation Bag Click rate: Release time:2021-06-04 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Yellow linen is a kind of cloth made of jute plant fiber. The ancient Indians were the first to make jute into simple tools such as ropes and cloth bags, but with the rapid development of India's textile industry, Indians could spin it into fine cloth art, using superb bleaching and dyeing techniques to make linen into everyday clothes and to decorate exquisite saris. As environmental awareness grows around the world, more and more people are replacing plastic white pollution with natural yellow linen. Jute is the most important textile fiber after cotton. It can be completely degraded. It is said that it "comes from the earth, helps the earth, and returns to the earth", and is a completely environmentally friendly material.

The jute fabric feels rough and firm. Touch the thorn hand, burning slowly, no black smoke, no pungent smell. Generally used to environmentally friendly packaging, fashion handbags, craft gifts, exquisite food small sacks, pet supplies, cement products and maintenance, calligraphy and painting technology, architectural decoration, store decoration, hardware product packaging bags, road maintenance, environmental protection products, the new plate, hunting supplies, garden supplies, craft shoes and hats, exquisite tags, ocean shipping shipping supplies, etc.

With the rise of the cold chain industry, our company began to try to develop and form a cold chain packaging material based on yellow linen, to truly achieve energy conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development.

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