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Non Woven Fabric Lamination Click rate: Release time:2021-04-21 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Because of the company's business development, Division I added a 2.2 meters wide plastic film (compound film) production line, specializing in ultra-wide door frame of non-woven film composite processing. QIYAO is specialized in the production of new type of film embossed nonwovens, color printing non-woven environmentally friendly composite materials factory. There are dozens of kinds of mulch pattern, polka dot pattern, lizard pattern, crocodile pattern and so on.

Film embossed color nonwovens are mainly used in bags, handbags, leather goods, toys, footwear, clothing, bedding, automotive interiors and other fields, products with bright colors, fine patterns, colorful clothing rich, high peeling strength, thin uniform, waterproof, anti-aging and other characteristics.

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