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Double-sided mesh glass fiber tape Click rate: Release time:2021-04-02 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Grid tape is based on glass-woven mesh cloth. Mesh fiberglass tape consists of high-strength fiberglass yarn or cloth for reinforced backwood composite polyester (PET film) film, one-sided coating of strong adhesive pressure-sensitive adhesive. Tape height is very high, with a high degree of wear resistance and moisture resistance, suitable for heavy packaging, bundling, steel plate fixing and temporary fixation of home appliances.

Depending on the number and density of the fiberglass stripes and the peeling strength of the viscose, the tape has a variety of varieties. It can meet the customer's various trapping strength and viscosity needs. At the same time, QIYAO can also be based on customer needs for sample production.

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