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Non-Woven Fabric Bag Click rate: Release time:2021-03-26 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Nonwoven bag is a green product, which tough and durable, beautiful shape, good breathability. It is Reusable, washable, silk-screened advertising and hoe.

Frequently Asked Questions


——Can bags of any size be made?

——Yes, we understand that you will have a variety of needs, your design can be very creative, even if you need a very special size, we can help you find a way to make it.


——Is your company LOGO or design on the bag?

——Of course, as long as you can provide us with AI format LOGO or design drafts, we can help you print on the bag, this time the bag has become your final product.


——Are there any discounts on your set price?

——We will try our best to reduce the price to a reasonable range through independent production, optimizing the raw material procurement process, improving work efficiency and other measures.


——Can you send me the sample first?

——We can provide it, but the shipping charges need to be paid.


——I need a sample confirmation, what's the cost, please?

——General customers are recognized with our products, if the first time the cooperative customers need to sample, we will symbolically charge 200 yuan dosing fee, the order quantity of 10000, return sample fee.


——What kind of packaging do you use?

——We are in accordance with customer requirements for packaging, domestic trade generally using 50 / bales, 500-1000 / waterproof bag packaging.

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