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Woven Fabric Click rate: Release time:2020-11-13 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

In the weaving cloth products, to understand the weaving cloth composite, we must know what material the woven cloth is constructed from the braided cloth is generally made of polypropylene, and composite braided cloth, is made of polyethylene.

PP plastic braided cloth: its full name should be polypropylene flat wire weaving earthwork cloth, but also belongs to the earthwork material, its main role is to strengthen and protect.

PE weaving cloth: It is first the PE plastic particles pulled into silk, and then weave. So fundamentally, it is also a plastic product, but also in the plastic category.

Weaving cloth composite two processes: coating film and shower film. The coating film is a physical bond between the plastic film and the woven cloth, while the film is the plastic dissolved and poured on it. Film braided cloth and film products use different directions, service life and quality are also different, the service life of the film braided cloth is relatively longer, but the quality of coated film braided cloth is not very poor. It can be seen that the coating film weaving cloth is based on the original woven cloth, the use of film or film coating process, the plastic melting, organic combination with the woven cloth of a deep processing product, after coating the woven cloth, with a wider range of use, not only increased the service life of the product, but also improve the quality of product packaging.

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