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Gasification anti-rust powder Click rate: Release time:2020-10-15 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Gasification anti-rust powder is a water-soluble powder-like anti-rust material that can be used in both dry and wet:

Dry Powder

Dispersion: sprayed on the surface of boilers, pipes and other cavity tanks or the overall packaging inside, VCI anti-rust components are evenly distributed, more effective in the overall play of rust prevention.

Bag: Rust-proof powder can be made of non-woven powder bags, and then put in the anti-rust object packaging, dust-free, easy to operate.

Wet Powder

Water pressure test equipment, pressure vessel inner surface, turbine, engine, tank, boiler, heat exchanger, etc. to do water pressure testing, the rust-proof powder into the water, the formation of solution instead of water to do the test can be, the amount of 2%-3%, and can be recycled, so that after the release of water solution on the boiler, pipeline, tank and other internal walls still have anti-rust protection effect.


Surface pre-treatment is not required for use, saving time and effort.

Suitable for all rust protection of metals in covered and enclosed spaces.

Free of silicone, phosphate and heavy metals.

The enclosed space is opened and closed again, and still has prot.

After use without leaving stains, easy to use compressed air blow-off or clean with water.

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