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Vacuum insulation fiberglass insulation plate Click rate: Release time:2020-09-22 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

VIP is short for the English Vacuum Insulation Panel, consisting of packaging materials, core materials, suction agents or adsorbents, in a vacuum with packaging materials to package core materials, suction agents, to minimize the core frame thermal conductivity and maintain a high vacuum inside the package material, to improve the insulation properties of the material.

The insulation plate is composed of fill core material and vacuum protection surface, effectively avoiding the heat transfer caused by air convection, so the thermal conductivity can be greatly reduced, less than 0.0025w/m.k, and does not contain any ODS materials, with environmental protection and energy-efficient characteristics. Can be widely used as refrigerators, freezers, refrigerated trucks, refrigerated containers, ice storage tanks and other insulation system insulation materials.

Core Material

The mezzanine portion in the middle of the package layer used to make a vacuum insulation plate. The core material used in this product is mainly glass fiber. There is a three-dimensional cross between the fiber and the fiber, and the heat is reduced by a layered coating to reduce the transmission of heat to the skeleton perpendicular to the surface of the core material. Fibers are interwoven with each other, showing many small gaps. Therefore, fiberglass core can be regarded as porous material, with good insulation, sound insulation performance.

Package material

A material used to encapsulate core materials for air isolation and protection.


The use of quartz sand, limestone, dolomite and other natural ores as the main raw materials, with some soda, borax and other chemical raw materials. In a molten state, pull into fine fibers.

Inhalers  adsorbents  desiccants

It is mainly used to absorb residual and infiltration gases from closed vacuum systems to maintain the good vacuum condition of the vacuum system and extend the service life of the product. Inhalers for this product can absorb a large number of gases other than inert gases, adsorbents can only absorb a small amount of polar gases. The desiccant absorbs water gas and acidic gases in large quantities. Inhalers, adsorbents and desiccants in this product are non-essential if selected for placement according to customer needs.

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