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The performance and principle of rubber foaming Click rate: Release time:2020-06-28 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

                                                                                    NBR PVC Rubber Foaming

The effects of the mixed foaming material were studied by adjusting the ratio of rubber, vulcanization system, foaming agent dosage, plasticizer phthalates (DOP) dosage and the amount of calcium carbonate in fillers. The results showed that when butyl rubber (NBR)/PVC) and the ratio was 70/30, foaming products had the highest closing rate, minimal density and best mechanical performance; The best performance, under the appropriate vulcanization system, the density of foaming products decreased with the increase of foaming dose, with the increase of the doped doped plasticizer DOP, the product density gradually decreased, when the dopon of DOP is 30 copies, the highest closed-hole rate of the products, calcium carbonate on molded foaming products obviously affect, the more the amount of it used, the higher the density.  

The main features are closed foamstructure, small thermal conductivity, with excellent insulation effect, can deliver energy consumption, closed bubble structure several dense skin makes water vapor not easy to pass, and low water absorption rate, product supple, construction installation is extremely convenient, labor-saving materials, elegant appearance clean, applicable temperature range (-40 to 120) weather resistance, good resistance to flame resistance, unique flame retardant formula, with excellent fire resistance, and excellent fire resistance. Due to the excellent comprehensive performance of the material, has been widely used with construction, textile, medicine, chemical, metallurgy, shipbuilding and other industries. The more concentrated use in the air conditioning system, steam pipe cold release condensation and insulation to prevent heat loss, obtained the ideal use effect.  

The thermal conductivity is low, the average temperature is 0.034w/mk, and its surface heat release coefficient is high, so under the same external conditions, with the thickness of this product is more than half thinner than other insulation materials can achieve the same insulation effect, thus saving space above the ceiling, saving investment.

Closed bubble structure, the outside air of water vapor is difficult to penetrate into the material, with excellent water penetration ability, the outer surface of the cooling insulation layer does not have to add the steam layer. The wet resistance factor value is greater than or equal to 4500 constitutes a "built-in" waterproof vapor layer, making the whole is both insulation and moisture-proof.

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