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Ice Bag Resin Particles Click rate: Release time:2020-03-18 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

                                                                          Characteristics of ice pack resin particles

Polymer absorbent resin, is an organic polymer, its molecular structure has a mesh molecular chain. Water absorbent struck immediately after encountering water electrolysis, dissotomy into positive and negative ions, this positive and negative ions and water have a strong affinity, so that it has a strong water absorption and water retention, can quickly absorb water than itself hundreds of times or even thousands of times the water if need to change its water absorption speed can be changed

from the size of the particles, Resin of the same material, the smaller the particles, the faster the water absorption speed, the larger the particles, the slower the water absorption speed. If it is necessary to change its water absorption speed can be added from a certain proportion of sodium chloride, thereby reducing the water absorption speed.

Polymer absorbent resin can play in the sealed environment to maintain the effect of cooling, mainly based on the molecular structure of the material itself, the more complex the molecular structure, the greater the density, the greater the ability to retain water will be better, thereby increasing the cooling effect.

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