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Hot-melt pressure-sensitive glue coating Click rate: Release time:2019-07-30 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Effect of hot-melt pressure-sensitive glue on contact son

1.Effect of the amount of glue applied

The peeling strength increases with the amount of glue applied, so the appropriate amount of glue is the basis of bonding performance.

Some manufacturers in order to reduce costs, to add plasticizer to the sheet, however, plasticizer will slowly precipitate over time, causing

damage to the adhesive layer, affecting the peeling strength and weather resistance of the sheet.


2. Effects of sheets

The lower the surface of the material, the more difficult it is to bond, like the water dripping on the lotus leaf will form a drop of water, the lower

the surface of the material, the more difficult it is to wet the hot melt. Generally, the electrocution treatment can be done on the polymer sheet to

improve the wetting of the sheet of hot melt.

The thicker the sheet, the higher the hardness, the angle of the peeling is less than 180 degrees, the peeling force test value will be small. As a rule

of thumb, the minimum  value of the peeling force should be between 120 and 150 degrees.

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