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Breathable Membrane Click rate: Release time:2018-11-21 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

As a new material with a large number of micro-pores on the surface, permeable film has occupied the market with its excellent permeability, skin-friendly softness and excellent tensile strength & stretching, which also making it an irreplaceable product for other films.

Due to the strong effect of molecular hydrogen bonding of liquid water, the molecular formula of its association molecule is about (H2O)8 at normal temperature, while the gaseous of water molecules is smaller, its molecular formula is H20. Furthermore,the smaller water vapor molecule H20 can easier  pass through the breathable membrane than the large liquid associative water molecule (H2O)8 . So it has characteristic of air permeability and water-tight, and then used widely by all works of life.

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