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PUVIP board Click rate: Release time:2024-09-09 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.
Pu-vip board is one of the vacuum thermal insulation materials. The vacuum thermal insulation board is the advanced thermal insulation material in the world at present. Its thermal conductivity is less than 0.003 W/m. K below, the vacuum insulation board adopts the principle of vacuum heat insulation, is composed of the core heat insulation material and the closed air insulation film, effectively avoids the heat transfer caused by air convection, and reduces the thermal conductivity greatly, so as to achieve better thermal insulation effect. Using cold storage material to maintain low temperature: with PU or PF insulation, the insulation period is only 1-2 days; with VIP insulation material, the insulation period is extended to 4-5 days, so that the original must air transport items, it can be transported by road or by train, which greatly reduces the transportation cost. Refrigerated incubator: under the same conditions, (1) with Pu foam, insulation period 12h; (2) with VIP insulation, insulation period can be more than 72 hours. After adopting VIP new material, the volume of the incubator increases by 70% , the coolant decreases by 68% , the freight is reduced, the transportation distance is increased, and the economic effect is more obvious.
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