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Waterproof breathable film Click rate: Release time:2024-08-05 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.
The waterproof breathable film not only enhances the air-tightness and water-tightness of the building, but also has the unique breathable property, which can make the water vapor in the structure drain out quickly, avoid the mold breeding in the structure, and protect the property value, and the perfect solution of moisture-proof and human health, is a health and environmental protection of new energy-saving materials. Mainly used in the wall insulation layer outside. The waterproof breathable film is a thin film which is laid on the outside of the building insulation layer, the technology of waterproof and breathable membrane can save energy, protect human environment and improve the durability and comfort of buildings by strengthening the air tightness and water tightness of buildings, can more effectively ensure that the maintenance of the structure (external walls and roofing) of the drying, and play a significant effect. Building permeability: due to the existence of indoor and outdoor temperature difference, the building envelope of the internal condensation is difficult to avoid. But in fact, only when the envelope has been in a wet state, it will lead to moisture problems, resulting in adverse impact on building energy consumption, durability and comfort. Therefore, in order to avoid the problem, to ensure that the building's permeability, so that it can diffuse water vapor to the form of outdoor natural drying, it is particularly important. Waterproof breathable film is generally spread on the top of the insulation layer, it is a new product, both in the waterproof and breathable function. Its role is to prevent outdoor rain into the insulation layer, while the insulation layer of moisture can be discharged to keep the insulation layer dry, increase the insulation performance of the building, thus making the building more energy-saving waterproof breathable
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