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gas-silicon Click rate: Release time:2023-07-25 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Gas-silicon is called fumed silica, at room temperature and pressure is white fluffy powder, loose porous, is a kind of thickening, thixotropic, reinforcing, anti-flow and other effects of amorphous silica, is also one of the extremely important high-tech ultrafine inorganic new materials.

The gas-silicon particle size is small, the specific surface area is large, so the surface adsorption force is strong, the surface energy is large, the chemical purity is high, the dispersion performance is good, and the thermal resistance and resistance have specific properties.

The specific surface area of gas-silicon is inversely proportional to its particle size. The larger the particle size of gas-silicon is, the better the dispersion is. The smaller the particle size, the better the effect.

Gas-silicon can be divided into hydrophilic and hydrophobic categories according to its chemical configuration. Under normal circumstances, hydrophobic silica is often used in water-based systems, and hydrophilic silica is often used in oil-based systems or reinforcement.

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