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NBR Click rate: Release time:2023-06-30 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

NBR is prepared by emulsion polymerization of butadiene and acrylonitrile, which is mainly produced by low temperature emulsion polymerization.

Product characteristics

1. Excellent oil resistance and non-polar solvent resistance.

2. The antistatic property is the best in general rubber and can be used as conductive rubber. Volume resistivity of 10^9-10^10Ω·cm, can be used as semiconductor.

3. Good air tightness, strong polarity of NBR, strong intermolecular force, weak molecular motion.

4. Good compatibility with polar PVC, phenolic resin, nylon, etc.

Product application

1, NBR is mainly used as oil-resistant products, such as oil-resistant rubber hose, rubber tire, seals, large oil sac, etc.

2, for anti-static rubber products;

3, NBR as a modifier of PVC, and PVC and used as flame retardant products.

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