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Polyester filament yarn Click rate: Release time:2023-05-11 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Polyester filament is made of polyester filament. Polyester is an important variety of synthetic fiber. It is made of refined terephthalic acid (PTA) or dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) and ethylene glycol (MEG) as raw materials, through esterification or transesterification and polycondensation reaction and made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fiber by spinning and post-processing.

Strength: Polyester fiber is nearly 1 times stronger than cotton and 3 times stronger than wool, so polyester fabric is strong and durable.

Heat resistance: can be used at -70℃~170℃, is the best heat resistance and thermal stability of synthetic fibers.

Elasticity: The elasticity of polyester is close to wool, wrinkle resistance is more than other fibers, the fabric does not wrinkle, good shape preservation.

Wear resistance: The wear resistance of polyester is second only to that of nylon, ranking second among synthetic fibers.

Water absorption: Polyester has low water absorption and moisture recovery rate and good insulation performance. However, due to its low water absorption, high static electricity generated by friction and poor natural adsorption performance of dyes, polyester is generally dyed by high temperature and high pressure.

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