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Air-silicon insulation box Click rate: Release time:2023-04-03 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Air silicon insulation box is an insulation box made of air silicon insulation board. It has superior insulation performance and good stability. Which is widely used in the cold chain logistics transportation of diagnostic reagents, vaccines, blood, biological products and other high value-added products.


1. Light weight, small size, easy to handle. The same size, to achieve the same insulation performance, compared with other incubator weight 2/3.

2. Long heat preservation time. According to different sizes, adjust the material thickness of the incubator, the ratio of cold storage agent, effective insulation aging up to 144 hours.


During the whole verification process, the temperature in the incubator gradually rose slowly. After 122.5 hours, the temperature of the temperature measuring point in the middle reached 8℃, and the test was finished. At room temperature, the incubator can maintain more than 122.5 hours of insulation time.

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