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ice bags inside the thermal insulation cover Click rate: Release time:2022-12-07 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Qiyao@Preminum Aluminum foil ice pack is designed to provide extended cooling at 18 degrees F that can last up to 48hours .It contains natural plant proteins and non-toxic ingredients that help to stay your food & drinks remain colder longer and safe, aluminum foil that helps reflect heat and light that will quickly melt inside ice.

Qiyao@ Aluminum foil Ice pack is to use fllable with water and shipped drey with a proprietary cooling get mixture inside that turns into a solid block when frozen.it can be used over and over .It is great for coolers ,outdoors, picnics ,and any perishable transport.

Cooler Box Size 12 Hours 24 Hours 48 Hours Ice In Pounds
15L 2 packs 2 Packs 4 Packs 6-12 Pounds
30L 2 packs 4 Packs 4-6 Packs 6-18 Pounds
45L 4packs 4-6 Packs 8 Packs 12-24 Pounds
60L 4 Packs 6-8 Packs 8-10 Packs 12-30 Pounds
75L 4-6 Packs 8 Packs 10 Packs 12-30 Pounds

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