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Click rate: Release time:2022-10-18 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Heat insulation pad, mainly used in the back of the heater, to achieve energy saving and emission reduction insulation. Relative to pearl cotton, bubble insulation pad, our company launched a woven cloth insulation pad. Reflective woven fabric cloth has many advantages. The woven cloth has thin thickness, small space occupancy, good tensile strength and durability. Production and transportation costs are lower.

Item Radiator Insulation
Construction Alu(MPET) / Woven fabric / Alu(MPET)
Size 60*200cm, 60*500cm, 70*100cm, 100*100cm
Water Vapor Permeability 2.0 ng / NS
Tensile Strength MD:290/25mm GB/T 453
Bursting Strength 570N Q/320281NPB02
Low temperature resistance -30℃  no shell /4Hours
High temperature resistance 90℃  no shell /4 Hours

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