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IXPE Click rate: Release time:2022-03-18 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Electronic radiation crosslinked polyethylene foam materials, is a polyethylene as the main raw material, match with several other do not contain any harmful substances of complementary makings after mixing extrusion forming, first through the green health irradiation processing technology, using electric ion radiation effects on the crosslinking material to change the original structure, form independent closed-cell foam hole mesh structure, The production of high-tech high-grade closed cell foam materials. Such products have the advantages of smooth appearance, comfortable feel and good processing performance. Its bubble holes are fine and uniform, strong and flexible, sound insulation, heat insulation effect is excellent, water absorption is small, resilience, weather resistance, aging resistance, mildew resistance and strong corrosion resistance of various chemical agents in line with international environmental protection standards of functional materials.


Environmental protection and non-toxicity: electric ion radiation changes the base material structure, forming a network of independent closed cell structure, no additives, no heating, no chemical residue, recoverable oil refining.

Moisture-proof and antibacterial properties: independent closed cell structure, tightly and effectively prevent water molecule penetration, so that water absorption rate is less than 0.01g/cm2 (almost zero), at the same time, because of electron beam irradiation modification, so that bacteria have no living environment.

Silent shock resistance: independent closed cell structure, with good sound damping, resilience, impact resistance, permanent compression rate of 5% or less.

Heat insulation: ultra-low thermal conductivity (less than 0.04W/M.K), can effectively block heat or cool air loss through the ground.

Anti-corrosion and aging resistance: due to the strong compactness of the base material polyethylene itself, the product has strong corrosion resistance after irradiation crosslinking treatment.

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