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Kraft Paper Click rate: Release time:2021-09-30 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

On domestic kraft paper market, cent is homemade kraft paper and entrance kraft paper. Used in chemical industry, machinery and other industries, especially widely used in food packaging industry.

Most of the domestic kraft paper enterprises do not have their own pulp production line, can not meet the needs of paper enterprises, so each kraft paper factory needs to import a large number of foreign commodity pulp. In order to facilitate the transportation of wood pulp, the liquid pulp is often made into wood pulp block, to be produced when the wood pulp block is dissolved and then papermaking, the process of pulp fiber strength is reduced, so the kraft paper strength produced by domestic kraft paper enterprises is slightly worse than foreign counterparts. In order to meet the needs of customers tear tensile strength, domestic kraft paper weight is usually 10 grams higher than imported kraft paper.

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