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Fiberglass Tape Click rate: Release time:2021-08-30 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Fiberglass adhesive tape is made of PET film as the base material, combined with fiberglass and glue. Plastic fiber reinforced back material, with high tensile strength, good wear resistance and other characteristics, enhance tension, improve friction resistance, high temperature resistance, solvent resistance, insulation and other properties.

Fiber has single - line, double - line, grid type.

Glue can be divided into: hot melt glue, acrylic, rubber.

Conventional specifications: 8 x 8.9 x 9 mesh/inch, 55 -- 85 g/m2.

Width: 25 -- 1000 mm, length: 10 -- 153 meters.

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