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EPE Foam Click rate: Release time:2020-12-29 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Polyethylene foaming cotton is a non-cross-linked closed-hole structure, also known as EPE pearl cotton, is a new type of environmentally friendly packaging materials. It consists of numerous independent bubbles produced by low density polyethylene fat through physical foaming. Products with moisture-proof, shock-proof, soundproofing, insulation, plastic performance, toughness, recycling, environmental protection, strong impact and many other advantages, but also has a good chemical resistance. It is an ideal substitute for traditional packaging materials.

EPE and a variety of fabric adhesive products are a variety of vehicles and rooms of good interior decoration materials. EPE pearl cotton and aluminum foil or aluminum-plated film composite products with excellent anti-infrared ultraviolet capability, is a number of chemical equipment refrigeration and camping equipment car shade must be selected. Its pipe is used in a large number of air conditioning, strollers, children's toys, private, plumbing and other industries. EPE pearl cotton foaming material is a new type of material that never decays. EpE pearl cotton foaming materials will be used more widely in packaging and filling materials as time advances and products are developed and applied.

At present, EPE pearl cotton foaming material production, in the Pearl River Delta is more developed, and now the production of this material gradually to Zhejiang, Shanghai, Shandong and other provinces and cities to expand. EPE pearl cotton foaming material is a new type of environmentally friendly packaging, filling materials. Its superior characteristics, more and more people understand, so its use will continue to expand and innovation. Especially in packaging and other industrial materials, it is better than the traditional material performance, lower cost, higher grade, beautiful and generous, better results. In addition, it is more extensive in the field of agricultural and by-product packaging materials. At the same time, EPE pearl cotton foam sheet can also be deep processing, just the preparation of pearl cotton compound film machine, composite machine can be, in the surface of the EPE sheet coating HDPE film, aluminum coating film, plasticized paper, coated cloth, etc. , after coating the EPE sheet, not only improve mechanical strength, but also can improve the original performance and printing a variety of patterns, text, expand product publicity efforts. And the composite sheet can be widely used in the box lining, life jacket, insulation, moisture-proof tent and other lining materials, economic benefits with doubling growth.

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